And a new radical daily comic strip is born... La Cucharacha by Lalo Alcaraz
Lalo Alcaraz has already distinguished himself as a political cartoonist, and now he's given us a second reason to read the daily so-called "funny" pages (the first, of course, being Aaron McGruder's The Boondocks). According to the official La Cucaracha web site, the strip launched November 25th in 40 newspapers (see articles in the Washington Post and Arizona Republic), but until daily strips are available on that site you can preview the strip here and here. La Cucaracha is the first nationally syndicated political Latino comic strip, it's funny, angry and beautifully drawn, and it features a politically radical anthropomorphic cockroach, so I suggest you immediately write desperate, pleading letters to your local paper asking them to run it.

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