Just one of those days...
...when your carpal tunnel is acting up and you run headfirst into a STOP sign and smash up your glasses and you're supposed to go out to Brazilian food for your one-year anniversary but you've suddenly come down with a really nasty cold or generally nasty flu and are incapable of consuming anything but frozen yogurt.
Yeah, well, that was my day. It started out nicely enough with a nice anniversary E-card from reader Stacy S., but went downhill quickly as my hands hurt too much to type out a short paper so I had to write it out by hand. Then as I rushed to class, reading and walking at the same time, all of a sudden---WHAM!---my glasses went flying and I had to feel around in the grass before I found their mangled, mangled remains. I'm so nearsighted that without my glasses everything farther away than an inch is just a big vague blur, so instead of dissecting sheep brains in science class (which I wasn't particularly looking forward to but was probably a class requirement) I made my vague blurry way to the eyeglasses shop, where my frames were miracously hammered back into decent shape.
And then of course I mysteriously and spontaneously developed a complete incapacity for breathing through my nose or swallowing anything solid or not being alternately freezing and overheated.
I'm not all doom and gloom, however. I was pleased to discover that really freaking amazing cartoonist Keith Knight has started a blog, that it mentions me, and that he will be coming to the Million Year Picnic comic book store in Harvard Square on November 29 for a book signing. So mark your calendars, kiddies.

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