U.S. Threatens to Use Nuclear Weapons and Landmines in Iraq
+ Remember Those Detainees?
You heard me. Who's the rogue nation again? Anyway, I don't have time to blog in detail, but you can read more about the nuclear business at Robert's Virtual Soapbox. And the details on the land mine business are in USA TODAY, of all places (you can also get the goods at Body and Soul):
The Pentagon is preparing to use anti-personnel land mines in a war with Iraq, despite U.S. policy that calls for the military to stop using the mines everywhere in the world except Korea by 2003...
From 15,000 to 20,000 people are killed or maimed worldwide each year by land mines, according to the United Nations. Of those, 80% are civilians and one-third are children.
Military experts say land mines can save soldiers' lives. They play a "vital and essential role" in battle by restricting where the enemy can move and protecting U.S. troops, said a Pentagon spokesman.
Officially, the Pentagon will say only that it "retains the right to use" land mines wherever it chooses, and that commanders can get approval to use them under rules designed to minimize risk to non-combatants.
And on another cheery topic, remember all those folks who were detained after 9/11 and uh, well, the government couldn't reveal their names or anything even though NONE WERE CHARGED in connection with the 9/11 attacks? Well, the US finally released them, after a fashion--many have been deported.

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