On Volleyball, and Being a Transgender Mom
A reader's story
As you may recall, a few days ago I posted the story of a transgender mom harassed for... being a good parent and volunteering to chaperone a field trip at her daughter's school. The following all-too-similar true story comes from one of my regular readers, who is herself a single transsexual custodial mom:
*sigh* did i mention volleyball? my son wanted to play, so i signed him up at the Y... none of the other parents volunteered to coach, so I did--at LITERALLY the final minute... half the parents (who could have volunteered at any time) withdrew their children from my team, which then had to disband... i signed my son into another league, on a team that already had a coach...when basketball season came around, nobody wanted to coach the boys in my son's class... another parent actually asked me if i would, and i said only if he could guarentee that none of the other parents would withdraw their kids from my team; that was actually the last time he spoke to me...
at one of my son's baseball games, a parent actually called the police because i was dressed as a woman... as it happened, a guardian ad litem had already been appointed for my son when I had sought custody of him after my divorce; rather than dispatch the swat team, the police refered the matter to the department of social services, which in turn contacted the GAL, who informed the police and the department of social services that as far as the state and county are concerned, i dress like a woman because i am a woman...

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