This is what democracy DOESN'T look like
... aka more on racism and fraud in Florida
Last week my boyfriend Yves came across the following bit of required reading in Boston's Weekly Dig, an interview with Greg Palast called "Winning the Election - the Republican Way: Racism, Theft and Fraud in Florida." Below, Yves's thank-you letter to the Dig, in case they don't print it:
Hello Dig,Now if only we can stop Bush from getting elected for real in 2004...I just wanted to praise you, and reporter Liam Scheff, for your interview with Greg Palast last week. It sickens me that most Americans -- liberal and conservative, Democrat and Republican alike -- have no concept of what Bush and the Republican Party did to black voters in the 2000 election. Whenever I bring up to people what has to be the most egregious violation of the Civil Rights Act in decades (commited by our sitting president and his cronies, no less), I'm usually met with silence or shock. This HAS to be made known, made vocal, circulated, and brought into the light of popular discourse, because it wasn't Nader that cost Gore the election (a myth most Democrats, including columnist Dan Savage, seem to be fixated on), or silly old people in Dade County, or hanging chads, or anything else that became fodder for late-night comedians' jokes -- it was the indisputable, Jim Crow-era trampling of civil rights by the two governors Bush and their cronies, without fear of retribution.
Thank you for helping Palast in his quest to spread the truth.
-- YH

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