Surprise, Surprise
Remember those hundreds of immigrants rounded up and detained after September 11...
... denied lawyers, denied access to their families, held for months and months without being ANY OF THEM BEING CHARGED in any connection with the attacks, deported for minor violations, physically and verbally abused and so on? Well, the U.S. Inspector General's office has actually issued a report criticizing the roundup. From the NYTimes ("U.S. Report Faults the Roundup of Illegal Immigrants After 9/11"):
The Justice Department's roundup of hundreds of illegal immigrants in the months after the Sept. 11 attacks was plagued with "significant problems" that forced many people with no connection to terrorism to languish in jails in unduly harsh conditions, an internal report released today found.And I've said it before, but let me repeat myself: these detainees had nothing to do with 9/11. They were held for months and months, and mostly deported, but NEVER CHARGED in connection with the attacks:The highly critical report from the Justice Department's inspector general concluded that F.B.I. officials, particularly in New York City, "made little attempt to distinguish" between immigrants who had possible ties to terrorism and those swept up by chance in the investigation.
A total of 762 illegal immigrants were jailed in the weeks and months after the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, as the authorities traced tens of thousands of leads and sought to prevent another attack. Most of the 762 immigrants have now been deported, and none have been charged as terrorists.That's right, NONE have been charged, a small fact that hasn't received much attention. Six months after September 11, I did a cartoon for my college paper called "Six Months Since September 11." In my original cartoon, I wrote that none of the detainees had been charged in connection with the attacks.
My editors at the Harvard Crimson (my college paper) refused to believe me. "That CAN'T be true," they said. I argued and argued with them, but to no avail. I was on deadline and couldn't retrieve an article proving that fact to their satisfaction in time, but it had been in the New York Times only a few weeks ago. They wouldn't run the cartoon unless I changed it to "VERY FEW have been charged in the attacks," which just wasn't true.

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