Thanks a Lot, Senator...
I'm not really in the mood to be criticizing Bush opponents right now, but... what's up with Kerry endorsing the anti-gay amendment to the Massachusetts constitution? I liked him a lot better when he was calling Bush "divisive" for endorsing a similar amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Seriously, what gives? I realize that for reasons of political expediency he probably can't say he SUPPORTS gay marriage, but to support a constitutional amendment? I think I'm feeling sick again...

Once your free yourself if the life-long indoctrination that democracy or utilitarianism is the best good, you can see reality. Democracy is a cannibalistic political process where victimized minorities who want "rights" are thwarted against a manipulated and undifferentiated majority, all while oligarchs sit behind the scenes to keep this never ending show going. The more liberal you are, the more they love you! They want POWER, and they will even help you design your world peace signs and women's liberation banners if it grants them their power. Most people think their political opinions are serious and relevant, thus they are easily led with false promises. REMEMBER: The more the victim squirms in agony the more the abuser feels delight and joy.
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