Busy, Busy, Busy
...a quick Mikhaela update
Or, MOCCA, the AAEC, WAM, and other acronyms
So I've been incredibly busy, and unable to post about even a small fraction of what's been passing across my radar screen. But I did want to say, last Thursday's MOCCA with Attitude benefit event rocked (as did the after-party--what could be more fun than margaritas with Ted Rall and Scott Bateman?), and if you want pix of the event, August and Stephen have them.
Also, good times and inspiration were to be had at the WAM (Women & the Media) Symposium sponsored by the Center for New Words. More later.
Coming soon: an extended post on the fabulous Lexington, KY AAEC Convention (horse races and bourbon are involved).
P.S. Big apologies to anyone who has tried to order Attitude 2 from me or whose emails I haven't responded to. I'm a bit swamped right now, and it's not deliberate, I promise.

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