New Cartoon, Four More Years: The Environment
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In which the cartoonist reveals that George W. Bush isn't trying to DESTROY the environment, he's just trying to make it a little more relaxing and well-organized. This cartoon was inspired by watching way too many episodes of "Mission: Organization" and reading too many home decorating magazines. I'm going to be moving to a new apartment in a few months, and I'm making desperate attempts to get rid of some of the mounds of junk, clothes and papers I've accumulated over the years. I'm a packrat and recovering from a severe case of disorganization, and I felt like I was pulling out my own teeth trying to force myself to donate dresses I haven't worn since I was 13 (with the thrifty voice in my head pleading "but they still fit!!!"), and recycle back issues of the Nation.
But unlike my mismatched socks and holey jeans, there are some things you can never have too many of, and that would include owl species (or any species). OK, I'm taking this metaphor too far and it's time for me to take a nap...
I resisted doing the cartoon as a flat-out parody of Martha Stewart Living because (a) I hate to add to the mound of Martha cartoons and (b) I thought with Martha being so much in the news, the point might be obscured. Besides, you can find articles about orgaqnization and storage in any decor or "living" magazine.
This is the first in a series of cartoons about what we might expect from four more years of a Bush presidency, a series that will hopefully be cut very short in November.
P.S. If you want to get new cartoons by email, please joing my mailing list by sending a blank message to And yes, I'm still selling signed books.
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