Mikhaela Toons May Be Hazardous to Your Health
From the emailbox:
Paulette writes:
Do I have time to view 150 cartoons? NO! But you are addictive. Thank you.No, thank YOU!
Kraklet is less complimentary:
Your cartoons are too absurd to be amusing or be taken seriously, whch one are they supposed to be? They are so insane I can't tell.Aw jeez, man... and here I thought it was starting an endless war that results in thousands and thousands of deaths for no damn reason at all that was insane, silly me.
And this one wasn't in my email, but was that most wonderful of things, a published letter to the editor, in a daily newspaper, Rochester's Democrat and Chronicle:
Comic prompts thoughtful reflectionThanks Matt! Keep 'em coming folks... send your nice letters to my editors, email me, join my super-special email list (just send a blank message to newtoons-subscribe@mikhaela.net, and of course, leave COMMENTS in this blog. According to my stats counter, I have at least 700 individual readers a day... but most of you seem to be lurking quietly. Oh, and if you have a blog, please feel free to link to any cartoons that strike you... I could always use some new readers!I just wanted to say thanks for the Mikhaela Reid comic The Boiling Point in the most recent issue of insider (July 22).
Called "Teaching (In) Tolerance," it suggested other types of intolerance that might be taught in American schools after an anti-gay group successfully sued a Maryland school board for not teaching students that homosexuality is a "treatable disease."
Commentary like this in the form of a cartoon is really food for thought. Thank goodness I live in a tolerant state like New York where homosexuality is so well accepted that gays are free to marry ... oh, never mind.
Matt Schaeffer

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