Kicked in the head, girl-power style
As you might have noticed from my bio page, I am really fond of angry politically-minded-type music--bands like the Dead Kennedys, the Coup, Sleater-Kinney, Public Enemy, Billy Bragg, Bikini Kill, Ted Leo & the Pharmacists, and of course, feminist electronica rockers Le Tigre. I went to see Le Tigre tonight in NYC and the show was amazing (especially fun when they put on their matching "Stop Bush" outfits halfway through the show)... except for the part where I got KICKED IN THE HEAD.
Or more precisely, kneed in the head. I'm sitting down in front of the stage between bands when suddenly some guy in a blond mohawk and wireframe glasses and a girl with blond pigtails come barrelling through the crowd towards the stage. Before I know it Blond Mohawk Guy's knee has connected hard with my head knocking my glasses off, and he just keeps running, ignoring the fact that I'm lying on the ground moaning.
I managed to mumble out a "Hey, what the hell?" His response?
"Well, you shouldn't have been sitting down, it's your own fault."
He then dove back into the crowd with his girlfriend and flipped me off with both hands from a safe distance. If I was a more violent woman I might have done or said something, but ineffective pacifist that I am I sat there whimpering in shock and holding my unfortunate bruised head, feeling vaguely grateful that my glasses weren't broken.
Anyway, it was the setting that made it particularly weird. I'd expect that kind of behavior from dumb drunk Limp Bizkit (*shudder*) fans, not from a guy bouncing up and down to songs about butch lesbian visibility and loudly singing along (as I saw him doing) to lyrics like "feminists we're calling you/please report to the front desk!" I'm not familiar with any branch of feminism that involves kicking girls in the head and not apologizing for it, but maybe this guy's trying to broaden the field.
I felt like I was back in high school at one of those punk shows where there were always two or three guys there for the sole purpose of elbowing people who actually wanted to enjoy the music in the eye. Or maybe like I was back in elementary school being called "four-eyes". Ah, nostalgia. I guess the moral of this story is: rude violent assholes can have good taste in music, too.

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