Watching O'Reilly now...
...he's talking about the Tom Toles cartoon. He says it is IRRESPONSIBLE for Tom Toles to accuse Rumsfeld of being callous because he can't read Rumsfeld's mind or his heart. He says he doesn't believe in censorship but that the paper should have run a column criticizing the cartoon right next to it?!
Yet O'Reilly was happy to speculate about what Cindy Sheehan's son would have thought or felt... and of course, Toles was referring to something Rumsfeld actually said, a quote in which he called the troops "battle hardened."
Then he brings on a general who compares Tom Toles to a Nazi propagandist, saying his cartoon is just obscene. Obscene!
Oh, and Tell Rall will be on Scarborough Country at 10. Go Ted!

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