The Boiling Point now on MySpace, LiveJournal, and StumbleUpon!
Left-wing idealists don't always make the best publicists or businesswomen. I've been drawing The Boiling Point for over four years now. My work appears regularly in/on some really cool papers, magazines and web sites, I've been featured in a real honest-to-goodness book anthology, Attitude 2, and I've had a few radio appearances here and there.
I go to conventions, I have a web site and a blog and a business card, and I network in a rather haphazard manner, partly from an aversion to anything reeking of sleazy PR spokesmanship or anything that brings Scott McClellan to mind.
This is my really long-winded way of saying I just checked out a bunch of embarassing books on marketing and PR and CSS and PHP and MySQL and logos and business cards and letterhead from my local library.
And that you can now read my cartoons through LiveJournal or MySpace or StumbleUpon if you so choose. (I should note that I don't add anyone to my LiveJournal friends list that I don't know personally, but you can still add me as a friend to read the cartoons publicly. I'm still not sure of my MySpace friending policy, but probably anyone who seems like a genuine fan of my work as opposed to a spammer or troll will get an add.)
But the most reliable way to get my comic each week (as I don't always have time to post it to LiveJournal or MySpace) is to check this blog, or join my weekly email list by sending a blank message to

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