New Cartoons: "Failed Recruiting Slogans" and Mr. Bush’s Cryogenically Frozen Friendship Hour!
Plus Masheka's new cartoon, "Summer Movie Hell!"
This first cartoon is of course in response to reports that recruiters are knowingly letting more neo-Nazis into the service. The recruiters' goal? To meet their quotas. The neo-Nazi goal? To kill brown people and get professional training for a coming "race war". As if troops of color didn't already have enough problems...
As for the second, I am just deeply pissed off that Bush can even try to claim with a straight face that he has respect for life (see previous cartoon by that name) considering his track record--executing death row inmates, bombing the crap out of civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan, letting people drown in Katrina, handicapping AIDS prevention with his abstinence-only nonsense, cutting funding for health care and poverty programs and so on. The embryos get discarded from fertility clinics anyway, but are apparently still more precious to our crapmaster-in-chief than the lives of people who are living with cancer and Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Way to go.
Also, Masheka has a guide to Summer Movie Hell:
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