Fellow Cartoonist With Attitude Stephanie McMillan's strip "Minimum Security" is now available 5 days a week on United Feature Syndicate's comics.com. Stephanie isn't syndicated to print newspapers right now, but the more people who read and visit her cartoons on comics.com, the more likely that is to become a reality at some point. So visit Stephanie's comics.com page and show some love!
Charles, you're right--Pearls is the most notable example, now with 400 newspaper clients. Not that web strips always make the leap, but it definitely happens.
And Diesel Sweeties didn't start as a web strip at United, but it was a personally-hosted web strip that is now syndicated.
From my understanding, three of United's comics.com exclusives made it to print ("Pearls Before Swine" being one of them).
If enough people promotes it, "Minimum" might be the fourth one.
Best of luck to Stephanie.
Thank you for this, Mikhaela!!!
Charles, you're right--Pearls is the most notable example, now with 400 newspaper clients. Not that web strips always make the leap, but it definitely happens.
And Diesel Sweeties didn't start as a web strip at United, but it was a personally-hosted web strip that is now syndicated.
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