New Toon: New York vs. Boston, the other rivalry

Forget Yankees vs. Red Sox: let's fight over who's more pro-gay!
Whenever New Yorkers ask me where I'm from, and I say "Massachusetts," many say something like "Oh, so you're a RED SOX fan" in the tone reserved for statements like "Oh, SO YOU'VE GOT A TERMINAL ILLNESS." Thing is, I'm not an anything fan. The only sports news items that even tangentially impinged on my world in recent memory were the homophobic comments of basketball player Tim Hardaway, the awesome activisim of newly out gay basketball player John Amaechi, and the coming out story of openly transsexual sportswriter Christine Daniels.
Still, this cartoon has been rattling around in my head for a while and finally decided to rattle its way out.
Come on, New York, step up your pro-LGBT game! Don't let jerks like New York Republican State Senate leader Joe Bruno squash marriage equality! It is Pride month, after all.

I love that cartoon and the rivalry of Boston vs. New York. Awesome and can't wait to buy your book in Boston come September. Have a nice 4th of July holiday!
Cool! I should have the details of the signing soon.
I feel torn and conflicted between the Boston and New York worlds... sigh. It's JUST SO HARD.
You know, I might live in Brooklyn now, but I gotta say -- the Queer Quotient of both NYC and Boston looks pretty paltry to that of my old hometown, San Francisco.
P.S. Even though we Bay Area folks have you out-queered, it's still a great cartoon.
Yes, well, I LOVE San Francisco but my cartoons only run in the New England and New York area (with the exception of Michican). But I'm sure SF could take on the winner of this rumble.
Yes, well, I LOVE San Francisco but my cartoons only run in the New England and New York area
Now that I wasn't aware of. I grieve for my hometown's loss.
There's nothing to be conflicted about! Bostonians know New York is better (bigger, 24 hour public transit, the home of Stewart, Colbert, and Conan, etc.) that's why we're so defensive when there's a comparison.
Unless you're talking about gay rights or baseball. Then it's a right vs. wrong thing.
I know you do mostly tablet drawing now, but if possible, I'd like to snag the original of this instead of the sperm one, even a print would be nice in BFW HQ.
oh, right, I owe you an original big-time! I'll still have to give you the sperm cartoon original, but I'll give you a print of this too. thanks for reminding me. I definitely drew this cartoon with you in mind.
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and yeah, there's no original of this one, sadly. :(
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