Wow. I'm STILL undecided.
I'm too opinionated to be this confused—but I'm going to the polls tonight and I STILL don't know whether I'm voting Clinton or Obama.I've been staring at their positions at and listening to other undecided progressives agonizing on NPR.
Maybe I'll just vote for Edwards in protest.

Vote for the lesser of two sleazies.
I hope you looked at this before you chose, too! : )
And if you voted for Hillary, I'd love to hear the reasoning behind it. The only thing I keep hearing is "she's more experienced than he is," which people tend to recant after you explain to them their actual levels of experience.
The other type of Clinton voter I've encountered tends to be someone who is voting for her in response to the Hillary-haters, as a show of solidarity, or as a test of their feminism or something. The head of the NY chapter of NOW comes to mind.
But I know there must be other reasons to vote for Clinton over Obama. I wanna hear them!
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