Gosh, why would BOMBING interfere with diplomacy?
For those of you who don't already read the NYTimes, check out this juicy little first paragraph, from an article entitled "U.S. Is Dismissing Russia's Criticism of Strikes in Iraq": The Bush administration today brushed aside criticism from Russia that intensifying airstrikes by American and British warplanes on radar and antiaircraft installations in Iraq were interfering with the diplomacy aimed at averting war.
I find it strange that the Bush administration has begun to insist that no, really, it really does want to try diplomacy but IRAQ JUST WON'T COOPERATE, DAMMIT! I actually heard Bush on TV insisting that he wouldn't put American lives at risk unless he had good reasons.
Yeah, right. Good reasons such as "I just feel like it" and "Saddam was mean to my daddy."

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