So I'm still unable to breathe through my nose or swallow without pain...
... and won't be doing any hard-core blogging until those things are once again possible. So in the meantime, I suggest you all read Tom Tomorrow, if you don't do that already. I also recommend Robert's Virtual Soapbox, although I don't share his crush on Eminem and have no intention of going to see 8 Mile (I'm more into Lalo Alcaraz's take on the subject).
Also, I want to remind everyone that this coming Wednesday, November 20th is the Transgender Day of Remembrance to "honor all persons of non-conforming gender whose lives have been violently silenced or who have otherwise passed from our lives." There are events nationwide, and I'll be attending the Boston event, which begins at 7 p.m. at the St. John the Evangelist Church on 35 Bowdoin St.
All right, I'm going to go back to bed for the rest of the day now.

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