Yet another reason why I can't handle TV news
So today being the first opportunity I've had in weeks to watch television, I was flipping through channels and happened to stop at MSNBC Live. Which happened to be doing a news report on "anti-American and anti-war sentiment" overseas (because "anti-war" and "anti-American" are presumably the same thing? ack). After a typical montage of protesters in various European and Middle Eastern countries holding up anti-Bush and anti-war signs, the news anchor asked in obvious puzzlement: "But what about Saddam? How do they feel about Saddam?"
The overseas correspondent answered in all seriousness: "Well, it's really extraordinary, but instead of Saddam, they seem to be blaming Bush."
Yeah, quite extraordinary. Sorry if those aren't the exact words but there's no online transcript yet.
Oh, and one more thing--the little logo flashing on the screen during the above exchange was of course "Showdown with Saddam." Is there anyone out there who genuinely thinks that's a clever or appropriate title for talking about potential war, as if it's just a private shootout between Bush and Hussein at high noon, except for the fact that instead of Bush or Hussein, it's going to be lots of Iraqi civilians and some American soldiers who end up dead? OK, so that was something of a run-on sentence. But you get the idea.

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