Cartoons and 100-degree weather
My new cartoon: Critics Corner
This is one of those ones where I spent hours and hours scribbling out ideas trying to figure out how to make a point about Bush's (and America's) short attention span (i.e. Afghanistan and Iraq are still a mess and he's already thinking about military action against Iran). And in the end, I had one hour until deadline and I just had to turn out what I could and feel vaguely unhappy about it. I'd like to blame the 97-degree heat and my lack of air-conditioning for muddying my brain, but considering that it's getting to be over 120 degrees in Baghdad right now (with an extreme lack of electricity), I don't have much to complain about.
A few other cartoons to check out (i.e. cartoons NOT about Harry Potter or Martha Stewart)
Kirk Anderson on why Americans don't care about the WMDs. Clay Bennett on Iraq's real WMDs. Ted Rall on law-enforcement, Bush-style. Ruben Bolling on why the Olsen twins are responsible for faked WMD claims. And in the Boondocks, Huey makes another call to the White House.
P.S. It may not be getting 24-hour TV news coverage any more, but in case you hadn't noticed, the killing in Iraq isn't over. (Ditto on Afghanistan)

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