New Cartoon: "Let Them Eat Toxic Sludge!"
Otherwise known as a "A Modest Toxic Sludge Proposal"
I can totally imagine some guy sitting deep in the bowels of the Heritage Foundation, thinking to himself "New Orleans has thousands of gallons of toxic sewage water that have yet to drain and thousands of hungry poor people. So why not kill two birds with one stone?"
Honestly, considering the conservative approach to rebuilding the Gulf Coast (no-bid rebuilding contracts for Halliburton instead of local contractors; paying less than prevailing wages; suspending environmental protections; vouchers, etc... see Paul Krugman and William Greider for more), and the Bush administration's complete and total disdain for poor black people (aside from the occasional photo op hug) I wouldn't be all that shocked if someone actually suggested this for real.
P.S. Jeanne over at Body & Soul has must-read posts about blaming the victim and looters (in this case, an elderly woman who spent more than two weeks in jail for supposedly stealing $63 worth of food from a deli).

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