Conservative commenter claims Martin Luther King Jr. supported segregation
For more on why this is so ridiculous, see Brownfemipower.:
This is the wonderful and self explanatory logic of racism. MLK didn’t die because a racist white man shot his ass, and the racist white man didn’t shoot MLK’s ass because he was advocating for FUCKING DESEGREGATION–MLK died because he didn’t want white folks to lose their place at the top of the food chain!! He didn’t want black folk to be JUDGING on white folk!And lordy lord, MLK didn’t get thrown in Birmingham jail (or any of the other jails he was thrown into) because his black ass was protesting SEGREGATION (note from MLK: Birmingham is probably the most thoroughly segregated city in the United States.) he was thrown in jail because he was upset beyond all reason at how black folks were hating on white folks with their reverse racist calls for desegregation. HE WAS PROTESTING BLACK FOLKS!! Didn’t you KNOW???
I stand corrected! I must have been watching Eyes on the Prize backwards.
Labels: cwa, race and racism, scotus, silly conservatives

Excellent rebuke, Mikhaela! Funny how the desire for "colorblindness" always comes from people who benefit from it, ie white folks (and sometimes their POC proxies). It's like they think because they've always been treated as raceless and are pretty happy with that, bringing up race in any instance will only disrupt an already perfect social reality.
That benefit of the doubt only extends to the rank and file racist, though; I'm sure those Supreme Court geezers are wholly aware of the damage they're doing.
By the way, I was at the Think Coffee event - you're awesome and your book is on my coffee table.
Thanks Lily! I think what you say is really right-on--many clueless people are so RACISM-blind that they refuse to see the racism around them. They haven't experienced racism themselves, and they unknowingly benefit from it, so they deny that it exists.
I have this idea for a cartoon about "colorblindness" in which a conservative dude comes across a black guy or Latino guy being beaten by a bunch of swastika-adorned skinheads, and he says "oh look, a bunch of green people fighting!" CAUSE HE CAN'T SEE RACE.
Whereas the Supreme Court knows EXACTLY what they're lying about.
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