War Cartoon Roundup, part 2
Plus: you must, you must, you must read this week's Onion
First, cartoons I like...
On death and taxes: Wouldn't it be nice if more tax dollars went to universal healthcare, education, and other public services than went to, say, Raytheon and Lockheed Martin? See: Jeff Danziger.
On Bush's fairy-tale vision of an easy war: see Ben Sargent. (And to those who deny Bush ever said the war would be quick and easy, maybe this can jog your memory.)
On those lucrative rebuilding contracts: see Ann Telnaes.
On sacrifice: see David Horsey. (As a random sidenote, I'd just like to say that this man can really draw! I'm jealous).
On war and religion: see B. Deutsch
Next, cartoons I can't stand...
Cartoons that take cheap shots at Michael Moore's looks: see Bill DeOre, and Glenn McCoy. (As a counterpoint, see R.J. Matson, who awards Moore the "Best Dissent" Oscar)
Cartoons that imply peace protestors are a bunch of idiots who want to deny Iraqis freedom: see Michael Ramirez.
Finally, please read this week's Onion...
... especially "Bush Bravely Leads Third Infantry Into Battle" and the Point/Counterpoint, "This War Will Destabilize The Entire Mideast Region And Set Off A Global Shockwave Of Anti-Americanism"/"No It Won't".